
885 Don Mills Road
#121 Toronto, ON

(416) 449-6747

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10 AM – 9 PM
Monday – Friday

9 AM – 4 PM


Magnetic Biostimulation

Heal Chronic Conditions, Fractures, Boost Cellular Metabolism & Much More.  Book Now!

The Art of Life Health Centre » MAGNETIC BIOSTIMULATION

Improved Mobility and Flexibility

Sport Injuries

Slowing or Halting Joint Damage



Acute & Chronic Inflammation

Back Pain

Musculoskeletal Conditions


Arthritis Pain

Relieve Migraines & Headaches

Migraines & Headaches


Whiplash Injuries

Arthritis Pain

Tendons & Ligaments Pain

Magnetic Bio Stimulation with Laseranaloges Light Energy System

How It Works

Magnetic Biostimulation (Combitron) works on a cellular and molecular level by creating a magnetic field of waves that pass through muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bone. The ability to have an effect at the cellular level is unique to magnetic field therapy, enabling it to reach parts of the body that other treatment method cannot reach.

Oxygen is the key to healing damaged tissue. Magnetic Bio-Stimulation increases oxygen levels and provides energy for our cells to help heal chronic conditions.

It is unique because it affects all tissue and produces a fast healing process, rejuvenates damaged & scar tissue, heals damaged nerves, works with chronic conditions, and relieves pain, and inflammation.

Medical Conditions Treated

  • Fractures (especially non union)
  • Circulatory Disorders
  • Damaged Nerves
  • Delayed Wound & Bone Healing
  • Sport Injuries
  • Migraines & Headaches
  • Acute & Chronic Inflammation
  • Whiplash Injuries
  • Musculoskeletal Conditions
  • Arthritis & Osteoarthritis
  • Tendons, Ligaments & Muscles Pain
  • & Much More

Benefits of Combitron

  • Improved Healing Time
  • Rejuvenates Cells
  • Rebuilds Connective Tissue
  • Improve Blood and Oxygen Circulation
  • Works as the Anti-Inflammatory Modality
  • Regenerates Lymph Vessels and Veins
  • Heals Red Blood Cells
  • Increases Metabolism
  • Activates Ions
  • And More

Common Questions About Magnetic Bio Stimulation with Laseranalages Light Energy System

Biological Effect of Magnetic Bio Stimulation

Pulsating magnetic field of  a specific frequency and intensity can bioenergetically influence an organism. As pulsating magnetic fields permeate the body completely, every cell is exposed to them. The ions present in the cell and in the colloidal system are magnetically influence as they are exposed to the pulsating magnetic field lines, they are pressed against the cell membrane, producing a hyper polarization, This has a positive influence on the intracellular metabolism, particularly in the metabolism of energy and leads to an improvement of the oxygen utilization of the cell.

Biological Effect of Laser Light

Laser light has numerous proven biological effects and there is little doubt that many more will be discovered in future years. Experimental studies show:

  • Stimulations cell growth for connective, tendon, bone tissues. But cancerous growth and bacterial grows is not stimulated.
  • Cell regeneration, including nerve cells (PNS and CNS).
  • Increased tissue activity – changes in prostaglandin content, increased production of cellular products.
  • Anti-inflammatory – reduces the ability of the lymphocytes to react to antigenic stimuli.
  • Oedema reduction/revascularization – increased regeneration of lymph vessels and veins.
  • Reduced fibrous tissue formation, following tissue injuries, i.e. burns and surgery.
  • Stimulated nerve function.

Contra Indication

  • Juvenile diabetes.
  • Pregnancy – particularly during the last three months.
  • Hypertrophy of the Thyroid.
  • Patient with cardiac pacemakers or electronic implants.
  • Bacteria Invasion.
  • Acute Tuberculosis.
  • Internal bleeding.


Persons with hip implants or other metal implants can utilize this therapy, as the therapy will not create heat in the body